Who we are
Asia Reach International has been in operation since April 13, 1984, placing at least 45,000 Filipino workers to-date. Initially, we deployed highly skilled Filipino workers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Because of our success in servicing the manpower needs of that country, we expanded in the 1990’s to Taiwan and Hong Kong. From there on, we have established excellent working relations with our clients (both agents and principals) in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Islamic Republic of Iran, State of Qatar, Kingdom of Bahrain, Republic of China (Taiwan), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), People’s Republic of China, Japan And the United States of America.
Asia Reach International Management & Contractor Services Inc., has built a reputation as a highly respected and successful licensed recruitment and employment agency here in the Philippines. Helping employers to staff and build their companies the way they envision them as well as helping qualified applicants to develop their careers. With the new trends & technology, ASIA REACH has also focused its goal in deploying trainees to Japan under JITCO (Japan International Training Organization) and TITP ( Technical Intern Training Program) as our main objective is to intensify the training of Industry workers through the update and acquisition of new skills and technologies through accepting organizations from Japan that will accept and facilitate the transfer of technology, skills and knowledge to trainees sent by the Philippine companies and caters training contract with Philippine Sending Organizations. ASIA REACH has a clear intention to help intensify the Philippine Economy through quality and world-class human resource development system and acquisition, and also adapting to the local setting the latest technology, methods and practices of the first world countries thru partnership and linkages and to be able to send nominal trainees to other countries like Japan with the purpose of acquiring and upgrading new skills and technologies without cost. We aim to help Filipino People by providing opportunities to Filipino workers and improve their occupational lives through the acquisition of skills in Japan.
Asia Reach International Management And Contractor Services, Inc., (Asiareach International) is a Philippine-based corporation with an excellent record of providing the best available English-speaking Filipino professionals and technical workers to meet the manpower requirements of the world. As a service-oriented company, its aim to help the country in attaining its national goal by enhancing thru deployment of our Filipino workers overseas.
Our team of professional consultants comes from a variety of backgrounds with expertise in both technical and non-technical industries and works from a base of strong values, and a commitment to excellence and to finding the ‘right’ candidate to fit the ‘right’ role.
Rest assured that you have reached the right place for professional recruitment solutions!
Our Vision and Mission

To provide excellent manpower and services to clients and candidates by maintaining professionalism, efficiency, integrity and

Is to maintain long-term business relationships based on a detailed and distilled understanding of the client
To Attain Our Vision We Have Embraced Three Key Objectives:
- To Deliver
High Quality Service To Our Clients - To Build Trusting Relationships By Acting With Honesty, Fairness, Integrity
And Professionalism - To Be The Partner Of Choice For Our Key Clients

“Service Is An Integral Part Of Any Business. A Business That Does Not Provide Service Is No Business At All. Service, Therefore, Is The Duty And Obligation Of Any Business Person. Service Means Satisfying Clients. We, In Turn, Find Satisfaction In A Job Well Done. Satisfied Clients And Satisfied Employee That Is What Constitute “True Service”.