Requirements for Foreign Principal

Are You An Employer Looking For Skilled And Valued Employees? Trust Our Professional Consultants To Present And Match You With The Exact Skilled And Experienced Candidates You’re Looking For, For All Your Permanent, Temporary And Contract Jobs. We Guaranteed Excellence service.

The Philippine government closely regulates the deployment of Filipino abroad. Therefore, a foreign principal must first be accredited with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) as a client of AsiaReach. After accreditation, we may proceed with processing of travel documents of selected workers. The following documents are needed for accreditation:


A “Manpower Request” or “Job Order” using the Employer’s official stationery describing the type, number and compensation package of workers needed.

A “Special Power of Attorney” (SPA) written on the official stationery (Letterhead) of the Employer. This SPA states our appointment as the Employer’s AGENCY in the Philippines.


A “Standard Employment Contract” to be used by each of the employees. This contract will be reviewed and must conform to the standard imposed by the POEA.


Photocopy of the Employer’s Commercial or Business Registration

Photocopy of the Passport or any official Identification Card of the Authorized Representative

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